Cyan, magenta, and yellow are subtractive primary colors, because each color represents the two additive primary colors that are subtracted from white light by an additive primary color. Cyan, magenta and yellow are the three main pigments in color reproduction. Combining these three colors in printing allows a reasonable copy of the original, but this is not the case in practice. Due to the limitations of ink pigments, the resulting darker colors are more dirty and smeared. In order to solve this problem, we must also make a black version to improve the color of the dark part and improve the contrast of the image. There are many techniques for making this black version from the original image; these techniques include gray component replacement, background color removal, and background color addition.
L Shaped Desk Corner Computer Standing Desk for Home Office
This L-shaped standing desk offers a sleek modern design crafted with durable steel .Made of a large desktop in 3 pieces, the desk can help expand the space effectively and complement any room even for a small room. Safety round corner design with Height Adjustable Desk.
Anti-collision feature. Our 2 stages corner L Shaped Standing Desk legs have strong steel design, quiet operation and precise movement.Personalized Ergonomic Desk. Use the remote to program up to 4 memory positions. 2 stage height corner desk frames allow comfortable stand up work even for tall people
L Shaped Standing Desk,Adjustable L Shape Manager Desk,L Shaped Office Standing Desk,L Shaped Corner Desk
CHEX Electric Standing Desk ,