The drug regulatory department recently found in the monitoring of diet drug advertisements that some weight-loss drugs claim to have a very amazing weight loss effect. The Hubei Food and Drug Administration issued a consumer warning, consumers should be careful about the "magic" weight-loss drugs, be careful that such drugs contain "diuretic, laxatives, appetite suppressants and other prohibited ingredients.
According to Professor Zhou Guilan, a professor at the Weight Loss Clinic of Wuhan University People's Hospital, diuretics use "dehydration" to temporarily reduce weight, but have the illusion of losing weight, but after stopping use, the body weight will rise, and it will be accompanied by vomiting, dizziness, weakness or Problems such as electrolyte imbalance. For example, hydrochlorothiazide is a diuretic, which can have adverse effects on blood lipids and blood sugar metabolism.
Diet pills containing laxatives can cause diarrhea, reduce appetite, reduce weight, and lose weight after stopping taking it. Frequent use will not only damage the function of the gastrointestinal tract, but also cause problems such as intestinal relaxation and anemia.
Another type of banned ingredient is an appetite suppressant such as sibutramine. These drugs inhibit appetite by acting on the nerve center, have a certain effect on suppressing weight loss, and have been repeatedly profited by some unscrupulous merchants to join diet foods. These drugs can cause cardiovascular diseases such as elevated blood pressure and increased heart rate.
Hubei Food and Drug Administration reminded that long-term use of diet drugs containing prohibited ingredients will cause harm to health. Consumers should rationally choose weight-loss drugs, and do not blindly pursue fashion.
According to Professor Zhou Guilan, a professor at the Weight Loss Clinic of Wuhan University People's Hospital, diuretics use "dehydration" to temporarily reduce weight, but have the illusion of losing weight, but after stopping use, the body weight will rise, and it will be accompanied by vomiting, dizziness, weakness or Problems such as electrolyte imbalance. For example, hydrochlorothiazide is a diuretic, which can have adverse effects on blood lipids and blood sugar metabolism.
Diet pills containing laxatives can cause diarrhea, reduce appetite, reduce weight, and lose weight after stopping taking it. Frequent use will not only damage the function of the gastrointestinal tract, but also cause problems such as intestinal relaxation and anemia.
Another type of banned ingredient is an appetite suppressant such as sibutramine. These drugs inhibit appetite by acting on the nerve center, have a certain effect on suppressing weight loss, and have been repeatedly profited by some unscrupulous merchants to join diet foods. These drugs can cause cardiovascular diseases such as elevated blood pressure and increased heart rate.
Hubei Food and Drug Administration reminded that long-term use of diet drugs containing prohibited ingredients will cause harm to health. Consumers should rationally choose weight-loss drugs, and do not blindly pursue fashion.
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